Hannah's Hope is an outreach effort created in 2014, dedicated to fighting human trafficking both locally + globally. Our mission is to combat this injustice by raising awareness, offering education to at-risk populations + bringing hope to those affected by it.
Our main focus is to:
EDUCATE all + raise awareness in the community
EQUIP all with current strategies + resources
EMPOWER all to lessen the vulnerabilities of children
We are a small group of compassionate advocates who commit to educating families in Cecil + Harford County, Maryland about the reality of human trafficking + sexual exploitation in our country, our state + rural areas, including the roles childhood trauma + drug addiction play.
Our main goal is to EMPOWER!
empower children to know that they have a voice + that their bodies belong to them
empower parents + teachers to recognize the underlying signs of childhood trauma + sex trafficking
empower minors + their parents to understand the risks of using social media/the internet
empower all to recognize that pornography is a public health crisis + fuels the demand for sex trafficking
empower lawmakers to understsnd that victims of human trafficking are not criminals + therefore worthy of expungement
empower survivors of human trafficking + childhood trauma to know that they have a voice + are entitled to appropriate + trauma-informed care